1100 aluminium circle is a type of aluminum circle for sale that is made of commercial pure aluminum. Aluminium circles 1100 contain more than 99% of aluminum, which greatly surpassed the aluminum content of other types of aluminum alloys in comparison.
Project Introduction
1100 aluminium circle is a type of aluminum circle for sale that is made of commercial pure aluminum. Aluminium circles 1100 contain more than 99% of aluminum, which greatly surpassed the aluminum content of other types of aluminum alloys in comparison. It can be used as cookware aluminum circle. And here are the parameters of 1100 aluminum circles.
The most common way to form 1100 aluminium circle is cold working. And pure aluminum can not be hot worked.
1) Its strength is relatively low, and it has excellent ductility, formability, weldability and corrosion resistance;
2) 1100 aluminium circle also has beautiful surface.
Aluminium circles 1100 can be best used for manufacturing of products that require good formability, high corrosion resistance, and do not require high strength, such as video and chemical handling and storage equipment, sheet metal products, and hollow cores processed by drawing and spinning. In addition to these products, it can also make hardware, welding combination keys, reflectors, nameplates, etc.